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Tiffany Parry

Cultivate Truth

Forsaking Formulas

Forsaking Formulas

I really suck at math. My 6th grade son’s math homework makes my brain explode. It took me my freshman and sophomore year to complete Algebra 1. It just doesn’t register with me. I remember my algebra teacher helping me in those after school tutoring sessions and him saying to me, “Melody, if you can just remember the formulas, you will make it. The formulas always work.” And that is how I passed Algebra 1 in only two years with a solid C, remembering the formulas. Cheers please.

Formulas are great. We use them all the time – recipes, diets, budgets, etc. We like plans. We don’t like problems and we are eager to tackle them with ready-made solutions. And we never lack for solutions. Regardless of our ailment, struggle, sickness or situation, there is usually a remedy and we run to it. Why wouldn’t we? If something hurts, make it stop. If something is wrong, make it right. If life isn’t going the way we planned, let’s figure it out, find a formula for our “problem” and work it until we have the desired results.

Here’s the issue: If you have lived longer than a minute, then you already know that life hands us a lot of problems that aren’t fixable. We can’t just google what to do next and be rid of our angst, worry, addiction, depression, diagnosis, distress, you fill in the blank. And here’s the even bigger issue: Christians have bought into this formula driven life. Our bookstores and bumpers are full of quippy little statements that subtly imply – “if you do this, God will do this.” And because we want that to be true so badly, we scour the bible for those promises and we plaster them on our Facebook walls and our t-shirts. We shout from the mountain tops that “GOD WORKS ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD,” and we share that in our small groups when the couple sitting across from us tells us their marriage is falling apart, or that they are on the brink of financial ruin. We grab their hands and we say, “let’s pray Jeremiah 29:11 over that situation because we all know that God has plans for you to prosper and have great success…”


Sometimes the cancer does come back and sometimes the prodigal child doesn’t return home. Sometimes the cheating husband does marry the other woman. Sometimes the depression just won’t go away. Sometimes the house does go into foreclosure. Sometimes life just falls apart.  And there is no formula to fix it. Then what?

Here’s another promise from Jesus himself that we don’t see on bumpers that often:

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows…”

That probably won’t sell a lot of t-shirts or get a lot of likes on Facebook. But thank God, He keeps going.

“…But take heart (be courageous, be undaunted, be filled with joy) because I have overcome the world.”

In those last 5 words we find the answer, the true hope for any situation and what we can cling to when life beats us down: I have overcome the world. Jesus is literally saying that He has conquered everything in this world and has victory over every single thing that happens inside of it. The cancer, the lost job, the wayward child, the anxiety, the desperation, the insecurities, the fear, the death of your beloved…He is not defeated by any of it. He is more powerful than all of it. None of those things can conquer Him. Maybe you’re thinking, “Well, that’s great for Him, but where does that leave us?” It leaves us right where we need to be.

Forsaking formulas. Throwing them out and throwing ourselves at His feet. Understanding that He is the prize. That His presence will always be better and more satisfying than His presents. Life is really going to suck sometimes. It is going to be really, really, really hard. But He makes us another promise:

“I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

No formulas. No strings attached. No gimmicks. Just Him…

And my prayer for myself and for all of you is that we will come to the place where we truly believe that He is enough.



Cultivate Friendship

Be Kind First

Hi ladies,

This past weekend we asked you to wear your Cultivate gear (*squad shirt, sweatshirt or t-shirt) to church and introduce yourself to a woman you don’t know and be exceptionally kind.  

*don’t have any Cultivate gear? You can purchase some at each campus!

Wearing your gear is easy. But introducing yourself to a total stranger, this is SO intimidating and like the scariest thing ever right?! I know. Trust me!

In the early days of Sandals Church it was pretty much Matt and I (and Madison, but she couldn’t talk yet so she was of no help). Today at Sandals Church, there are literally thousands of people. Do you know how this happened? It happened by one person at a time, introducing ourselves to them, and being exceptionally kind. I kid you not, this is how it happened. Once people knew us and experienced kindness, they wanted to be a part of what God was doing with us at this place.

I’m no different than any woman out there. I much prefer when someone says hello and is kind to me first. It’s just so much easier and less scary that way. However, if we all behave that way, then no one would ever say hello first and be kind. I, like the rest of you, worried each and every time in those early days. “What if they think I’m weird, creepy, ridiculous, stupid, a Jesus freak?”  Embarrassment is one of my biggest fears in life and how embarrassing is it when someone thinks you’re weird, creepy, ridiculous, stupid, a freak? I used to worry about everything that could go wrong in reaching out to meet new people. However, my conviction and calling for what we were doing was stronger than my fear and we did it. We introduced ourselves to our mailman, grocer, co worker, neighbor down the street, everyone and anyone. Fast forward 20 years later, it looks like a lot more went right than wrong doesn’t it? Sandals Church has seen thousands of lives come to Christ. It is truly amazing!

Be encouraged and inspired to not be afraid of what could go wrong in introducing yourself to a woman you don’t know and showing exceptional kindness on the weekend. Rather, be excited about everything that could go right. You never know, you could be meeting a woman who is one of your new best friends. Let’s live out the vision of exceptional kindness towards the women of our church. That is a total win to me!

In the spirit of meeting someone you don’t know, if you see me, please introduce yourself (and be kind). I’d love to meet you!


Tammy Brown

Cultivate Friendship

Cultivate Connection

This past weekend at each campus, we asked women to wear their Cultivate shirts and to #cultivatekindness and #cultivatefriendship by introducing yourselves to a new woman. It is our sincere hope that every woman who shows up to Sandals Church will be able to find other women kind and welcoming. Thank you to all who joined us.

At the beginning of this month, we launched our plan to Cultivate together every weekend. Each weekend has a different focus. Join us for each one:

  • 1st weekend we will Cultivate PRAYER
    • Pray together after each service
  • 2nd weekend we will Cultivate CONNECTION
    • Wearing Cultivate shirts/gear and meeting someone new
  • 3rd weekend we will Cultivate KINDNESS
    • On the 3rd weekend of the month we will encourage women to show exceptional kindness by doing RAK’s (random acts of kindness) to someone who volunteers in a specific ministry area.
  • 4th weekend we will Cultivate KINDNESS IN THE COMMUNITY
    • Random acts of kindness to someone in your community


Cultivate Women

Cultivate Book Blub

Why Cultivate Book Club?

A year ago I started the Cultivate book club because, quite frankly, I wanted to go through a book with other women. You were hoping for something more poignant right? Nope, I love reading books that give me soul care and spiritual direction. I love sharing and working through what God is teaching me as I read with others. I want to be able to share those parts that stood out to me, convicted me, inspired me and challenged me. I want to have others encourage me in the process and I’m willing to do the same for others.  

So there you have it, the Cultivate Book Club was formed. What started as 40ish women in our first session has grown to 140, and this is just because that is how much space we have available. I wanted to carve out space and time for women to unplug from the in’s and out’s of their day and plug into God. And this is just what we’ve done.

The Cultivate Book Club is a space carved out for women to come together to connect, to worship, to receive soul care, to discuss what they are learning, to pray for one another and to have a safe environment of exceptional kindness to be real with themselves, God and others. Make no mistake about it, this is a Bible study! In everything we read we look to God’s word and what it says for our spiritual direction.

I realize that women have very full lives and not everyone is able to come to Cultivate Book Club in the mornings. This does not mean you can’t be a part of what we’re doing and how we are growing together as the women of Sandals Church. If you are unable to attend on Thursday mornings you can:

  1. Join a ROGO group of women and go through the book in the evenings or on weekends  
  2. Grab a friend, group of friends, neighbors, coworkers, anyone and go through the book together when you are available
  3. Read the book on your own and follow along on the blog for recaps, journal questions and next steps for spiritual direction  

Bottom line… There is a way for YOU to Cultivate with us!

1 Corinthians 1:10 says, “ I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I’ll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.”  

Cultivate Book Club is one way we… ‘cultivate a life in common’,  by meeting together, praying for one another, worshipping, and studying God’s word for soul care and spiritual direction.

Join us at


Tammy Brown

Cultivate Prayer

Cultivate Prayer

Hi ladies. This past weekend after each service, on each campus, women of Sandals Church met to cultivate prayer together. This time was absolutely precious. There’s just something about coming together and praying with one another, for one another. It is my heart for the women of our church to be women who take prayer seriously, knowing that our words can have eternal impact on one another’s lives, that prayer is cultivated into our everyday life, relationships and circumstances.

Matthew 18:18-20 says, “Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”  

Let’s be real ladies, this life and all that it brings with it is far more than we can handle on our own.

Ephesians 6:13-18 makes no pretense in regards to this. It says, “Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.”  

James 5:16 & 17 say, Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.”  

And so we shall…. Make this a common practice, the practice of cultivating prayer together.  Ladies, please join us the first weekend of each month, on each campus following each service, to cultivate prayer together with one another for one another.  

Here’s how this will work:

  • The first weekend of each month, on each campus, after each service
  • 10 minutes after service meet in the *designated area (*follow @cultivatewomen on Instagram or Facebook to know where to meet)
  • Look for your Cultivate campus coordinator or Cultivate Prayer minister
  • Spend 10 minutes praying together as women for women
  • Go about your day!

It’s as simple as this. If you have a specific prayer you need prayed for we will also be praying 1-1 following this time. You’re probably thinking… “what if I have a prayer request and it’s not the first weekend of the month?” I’m so glad you asked. We want to pray for you! You matter to us! Outside of each restroom on each campus we are installing prayer boards. This is a place you can write out your request and leave it for us to collect at the end of each weekend. Your request will be kept confidential and prayed for during the week, and (if you so desire) we will contact you to let you know that you were prayed for and to follow up on how you’re doing and how we can further pray or praise God for His answered prayers in your life.  

It’s an honor to be your pastor’s wife and to cultivate prayer together with you. I look forward to all that God will do as we take prayer seriously!


Tammy Brown

Cultivate Friendship

Friendship for the Introvert

Friendship is tough for me. I like women. I like having friends. I like having friends that are women. I just struggle spending a lot of time with women – even those that I consider friends. Sounds awful. It is a little awful. But I am an introvert – socially bizarre and covetous of alone time. There are those people that are refueled by spending quality time with others. I am the opposite. I am scared to death of quality time – and people. Now, I have my girl squad. My few friends that know I’m a kook, completely accept my need to cave-dwell (but don’t let me live there) and love me no matter what. They get me. They don’t give up on me when I go AWOL. They strap on their hip boots, grab a flashlight and a piece of pie (just not apple, please) and head into the deep dark cave where I dwell. They coax me out with the one thing that binds us together as women. The symbol and true meaning of unconditional love. The one thing that will get me to do absolutely anything – the pie (and don’t bring cheesecake. Cheesecake is not pie).

I am most afraid other girls will not “get me” or worse, they do get me and see through my cool, hip exterior and straight into my glaring insecurity. It’s the people who don’t truly love me and will most likely not see my socially inept solitude-loving quirkiness as part of my charm that I am most concerned about. My fear is that they meet me and expect more than I can give and when I finally look up from my sensible and comfortable flats, I see the door swing closed and hear a resounding, “See ya later, sucker!” Okay, that is a bit dramatic but it is totally how it happens in my head.

The biggest issue I have with women, especially meeting new women, is my inability to end a conversation well. We will be heading down the right path and it begins to look like we might have a friendship match and then fear hits as we approach the conversation wrap up and sign off.

New friend: “So, it was great meeting you. We will have to get toge…”

While she is talking, true terror hits like a wicked hot flash and I begin fidgeting, waiting for my moment to bust in with my standard introvert “Okay bye.” I’m so concerned that my sign off is going to be lame that I practice it in my head over and over while she is executing her flawless wrap up. Meanwhile I look like I’m getting ready to jump into a round of double dutch. My “okay bye” routinely comes out as a rapid fire “okah-bah” and I abruptly turn and walk away shaking my head and singing to myself, “another one bites the dust…” I know this leaves my conversation mate wondering if I had a mini-stroke or if I am just that awkward. Trust me, I’m just that awkward. In a perfect world I would interact with people once a week, maybe twice, probably as much as I go #2. In a perfect world.

But then there is this:

Philippians 2:1-4

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Bam! Smacked me right between the eyes. Because in reality my introverted-ness – is that a word? My introvertability? Oh, better. My Introvertabilty is my crutch and my excuse to not have to be who God created me to be. He created us to “Love our neighbor as we love ourselves,” Mark 12:31, and I honestly think I am winning in the “love ourselves” department, but failing miserably in the “love my neighbor.” I said it myself  “My fear is that they meet me and expect more than I can give…” More than I can give? It’s amazing how I limit myself when it suits me. My selfish ambition is to self protect. Protect myself from getting hurt. Protect myself from having to give too much of myself, or worse, be expected to actually guide people towards Christ. But God did not make any differentiations as to who was to serve him. We are all to serve God and love his people. And he has equipped us with more than we will ever need to do the job.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Act 1:8

Yeah, he means all of us. Even us socially awkward introverts.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Or in my case, so, whether you eat pie or cave dwell or embarrass yourself in front of new friends, do it all to the glory of God.


The cave dwelling introvert

Real with Self

Guarding My Heart

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9

Sometimes I feel like I live a double life. On the outside, I tend to come across as a very practical, logical, Type A planner. I delight in consistency and order. And let’s just say it – I’m a hard core rule-follower. Despite my uptight tendencies, I’ve always thought that following my heart sounds like a beautifully romantic way to go about life. On the inside I’m a closet romantic. My heart has some really deep longings that I just don’t know how to hold back some days. Who doesn’t want to be swept off her feet and get carried away sometimes?

So I remember distinctly the first time I heard my pastor say that following your heart can be one of the fastest ways to ruin your life. That really messed with me. The rule-follower in me certainly doesn’t want to ruin my life, and the romantic in me felt like all my fun just got taken away. When I did some reading on my own I saw that instead of telling us to follow our hearts, God tells us in his word to guard our hearts.

I’m into words and meanings and when I started to think about what it means to guard something, I realized there are two types of things that have to be guarded, those that are inherently dangerous and those that are inherently valuable. The more I think about it, the more I have come to see first-hand that my heart is both.

My heart is dangerous and deceitful. I am in my very nature a sinner, it’s the way I was born and it will be a fact of life for as long as I live in this body and in this world. My heart will seek its way above all else and pull me toward my own wants and desires and selfish ambitions.

I have to guard my heart because I often find myself believing that because I want something really, really badly, it must be because I’m supposed to have it.

As a single woman, this form of deceit on the part of my heart most often comes in the form of my interactions with guys. My personal life experience hasn’t come from learning to guard my heart from the advances of smooth-talking men, but instead from having to learn to guard my heart from an even more dangerous adversary – myself.

Time and time again I’ve watched my heart and mind team up to do some crazy things. I plan and scheme and try hard to get whatever it is that my heart so badly wants. And when things don’t happen according to my plans or desires I’m left angry and disappointed. Often not because of any foul-play on the part of someone else, but because I let my heart run unchecked.

But there is another side to my heart. This heart of mine is precious and fragile too. My heart is the part of me that lurches when I see others in pain, that stops everything around me to take in something beautiful. It longs to nurture and pursue, to give love and honor. I am thankful for this vulnerable side of my heart that wants to see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt.

I have to guard my heart because living in this broken, messed up world makes me want to harden it.

Life is easier when things don’t hurt. And things hurt the most when they’re close to the heart. A soft heart is able to respond with grace and compassion, but is vulnerable to attack and disappointment. Hardening my heart may help keep out the pain, but it will also keep me from loving the way Jesus has shown me to love.

I’ve seen the beauty and grace of a soft, gentle heart and I’ve seen the wrath and pain of a cold, hardened heart. When I don’t guard my heart from the natural tendency to self-protect, I find myself becoming cynical, judgmental and not at all likely to care for others.

The fact is I can’t keep either side of my heart guarded in my own strength. The more I try to tie it down to keep it from ruling my life, the more I shut it down for the purposes it’s made to fulfill. Instead I have to constantly hand my heart over to God, not in one grand gesture but moment by moment and decision by decision.

As a young woman, I need to remember that the decisions I make and the things I experience today will shape my heart for years to come. Every day I make decisions about what to think about, who to talk to, what to look into, what to let go of and what to pursue.

There have been many days where I feel like my heart is this wild animal on a leash, pulling and straining at the bounds placed on it as it begs and pleads to have a chance to feel something wonderful, something it was made for. In those moments, I want more than anything to believe that following my heart will be ok. But letting my heart run away with whatever may be in front of it at the moment means that this deceitful heart of mine is about to drag this fragile heart of mine straight out into traffic.

Handing my heart over to God means inviting him into moments like this. Moments where I have to decide if my heart is being deceitful or if it’s at risk of being hardened. His answer isn’t always the same. Sometimes I need to step back and away from wandering into dangerous territory, but sometimes I need to step forward and into a place of trusting God in the unknown.

Jesus tells us that in this life we will have trials. No matter how hard I will try to guard my heart, things will come along that will hurt it. But Jesus also tells us to take heart, to be encouraged, because he has overcome this hurtful world. When I make decisions with this in mind, I hand my heart over to Jesus to protect me and this powerful, dangerous and beautiful thing he has placed within me.


Stephanie Keen

Cultivate Truth

I Was Adopted

Adoption is not easy.

Adoption only exists because of trauma. A child is only available for adoption because the family unit that was supposed to care for them, didn’t. Or couldn’t. Adoption is messy. It is the choice to enter into someone else’s pain.

Adoption is complicated. Not only is the legal process a challenge, but once placed in a home, a child’s brain connections that did not form properly literally need to be re-wired.

We were not planning to adopt a 7 year old. We had been waiting for 4 years to adopt a baby from Ethiopia. A baby. 3 years old. Tops. Then God brought a young boy to California and placed him in our path. He needed a home. We wanted a child. But this was not what we were expecting.

In the week when my husband and I were praying about whether or not to take this boy, I was afraid. I kept thinking, “Seven? Seven years old means He remembers life in a different culture, with different food and a different language. He remembers the biological parents he lost. He knows hurt and transition and instability… more than any kid should know. This kid has a lot of baggage.” And I wondered if I was strong enough to handle baggage like this.

And then God reminded me: He did not weigh my baggage before adopting me into His family.

You see, I was born estranged from Christ. I was born with a sinful nature that made me a liar, a cheater, a manipulator and a thief… to my very core.  Isaiah 59: 2 says that “my sins cut me off from God.” Aside the fact that I was born a Gentile (a non-Jew), the essence of my very being created a chasm between me and God. I was not part of His family.

And yet… He brought me in. He took the tantrums, the rages, the manipulation – and He made me His daughter. My identity is no longer that of a spiritual orphan. I have a Father. A Daddy who, not only did not count the weight of my baggage against me, He didn’t even consider it. Even better, I am not still being adopted. I WAS adopted. It is over. Finished. My adoption is finalized. I have new name, a new identity, I am a daughter of the Great King, an heir and co-heir to His kingdom.

“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba,Father.”16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.”  – Romans 8:15-17

Physical adoption mirrors our spiritual adoption in Christ. Adoption was the method by which our son came to be part of our family and although it is his story, it is not his identity. He is not still being adopted. He WAS adopted and now he is grafted into our family. Yes, we remember life before he received his new identity. Yes, we have years of healing ahead of us. But… his adoption is done. He is a Boganwright.

Adoption is worth it. Without it, I would not understand the gravity of what God did to bring me home. Without entering into the world of physical adoption, I would never have received this glimpse into the mystery of God’s redemptive power – how He can take something so broken and bring so much healing.

My adoption is finished. I needed healing and God gave it. I don’t have to live as a slave to my fear or my sin. I am a child of God.

Just as my son was chosen, so was I.
My Father has brought me home.


Rebecca Boganwright

Cultivate Kindness

Exceptional Kindness

So here is the truth. Exceptional Kindness.

I’m not even sure I believe in the idea of exceptional kindness among women. But I sure know I want to.

My friendships with other girls as I was growing up were the source of some of my greatest joys and my deepest sorrows. I want to talk about how as women we can empower and build each other up. We can realize we are better together. I do believe these things because they are true; they just haven’t been my experience. I don’t look back on those girl friendships as fondly as I’d like to. In elementary school, I remember having one very best friend, Heidi. We were inseparable, until we weren’t. Until someone way cooler than me hit the scene. I felt heartbroken, but as any 10 year old would do, I quickly pulled myself together and made a new best friend. A move across state quickly put a nail in that coffin, otherwise I’m quite sure we’d still be best friends today. Maybe.

And then came along junior high. Can I just say it? Junior High is wrong, just wrong! I had to experience junior high, plus be the new girl in a new school in a new city, all at the same time, deal with crisis at home. Junior high was equal parts relational instability, hormones and a lot of people who were still actually little inside acting like grown up ‘know it alls’ on the outside. One week, I was Jennifer’s best friend, but over the weekend her and Gina decided to be best friends and on Monday showed up wearing their newly purchased best friend bracelets. I, of course, pretended not to care. I simply decided to be best friends with Janel instead. And thus, this ferris wheel of friendship exchanges continued on.

In high school I switched schools to go to the “cooler” school. Be careful what you wish for! Being cooler for the most part was because everyone was very affluent, everyone except for me. High school brought slight changes to the friend cycle, but not many. Boys were now also added to the mix. I quickly made a new best friend and simultaneously had my first boy crush. I would, as teenage girls do, tell my best friend how incredible my crush was. I would go on and on until one day, and I kid you not, I found out they started dating. She said to me, “Well, I couldn’t help it, you kept talking about how incredible he was.” I still secretly hate her, just kidding, but ouch. Anyhow, girlfriends at this point for me were not only unstable but unsafe.  

Each new friendship I entered into, I brought a heavy bag of stuff to the table. Am I good enough?  Fun enough? Likeable enough?  How can I make you pick me over the next cool girl, or better yet, over the next cute boy?  

Next, college came along; I met Matt the day I moved in. We quickly started dating and so he became my best friend. However, apparently I wasn’t the only girl who liked him and I quickly became the target for some “mean girls” on campus. They didn’t appreciate this blonde haired, blue eyed freshman coming onto campus and snatching up an upperclassman.

Right out of college, Matt and I were married and started Sandals Church. I met new friends, we became fast best friends and then just as suddenly, we weren’t. And so on it went, I wish I could say that as adults women friendships became easier and just all around better, but friendships with women can be just as painful in adulthood as in childhood and adolescence. We can still be dumped for the new sparkly shiny whatever, gossiped about and not included.

Fast forward 17 years and I now have 2 teenage girls of my own. I listen to their stories of “mean girls” at school, except this is a whole new level of mean girl. Social media now adds this horrible highlight reel flash before your eyes where you see an instant picture of your replacement. I did my best to hold their hearts well as they were sad, hurt, and sometimes crying from  being left out, gossiped about, dumped or replaced.

Don’t get me wrong, my girls, like myself, were contributors to all of this girl friendship drama too; we are not blameless. We have not always been the victim. I too am guilty of dumping an old friend for a cool, new shinier friend. I am guilty of choosing a boy over my best girlfriend and I am at fault for being mean spirited a time or two or five thousand. In my own day, I left some of my friends’ hearts such a sad mess they are probably still working out the damage in counseling today.

So what did it for me? What really made me want to draw a hard line where “mean girls,” (myself included) were concerned? It was when I began hearing my own advice to my girls that I became really bothered and convicted. “Girls are just mean! You just have to learn how to manage it” I’d tell them.

What kind of advice is this?! Especially because we are girls. This really began eating at me. Yes, this is what I actually believed, that girls are just mean, but the Holy Spirit began gnawing at me that it was neither right or true.

As I began stepping into a new season of ministry with women, I was excited and doe-eyed. I, of course, thought everyone was gonna want to come to a Bible Study for women, especially if we made it super pretty and cool. As I began spreading this news, I kept hearing the same thing, “I don’t want to be in a room full of women,” “Women are mean,” “I don’t like women,” and this was all coming from… women!

Here’s the deal, it has been my experience as I’ve ministered to women for the past 20 years that our outsides do not match our insides. On the inside we feel insecure, not worthy, not enough. We’ve been hurt, damaged and gone through some really hard stuff. So, on the outside, to protect ourselves, we criticize, we exclude, we replace, and so on. We want to belong, we want community with our own kind (we can’t even go to the bathroom alone for goodness sake,) we love talking, we love the idea of a best friend or friends, a place we are known, loved and accepted! We crave a place where we can be vulnerable and flawed and “in process.” We in fact need a place where we can confess so that we can experience the healing the Bible talks about. A place where our ugly messy can come out and we can be received. I’ve got ugly messy too and despite your ugly messy, you’re still valuable and worthy of love, acceptance and belonging.

I know this is what I want. I’m pretty sure it’s what all women want.

So then, what would exceptional kindness even look like? I think it begins by committing to practicing it in our individual lives. Be the first to be kind. Say hello first, forgive first, invite first and pursue first. Commit to stop comparing ourselves to other women’sbest version of themselves that we see on Instagram and then we secretly   hate them for because we compare their great looking highlight reel to our real life messy version. We then feel crappy and now somehow it’s their fault. I think it means we stop assuming the worst in each other’s motives because we know we both value the idea of exceptional kindness and want to make it a reality amongst women. We give each other that grace.I think it looks like an invitation  to other to have a seat at the table, and stop reading into our exteriors and making assumptions about what’s going on in our interiors. To have and give grace because we remember that we typically only see the tip of the iceberg of what’s truly going on with people. We acknowledge that not everything is personal, even though we all feel like it is.

I’m still reeling in the feeling, the doubt that maybe exceptional kindness amongst women is not possible, but I want sure want to pursue that dreamy possibility that it is, that it’s real, that we can pursue it and enjoy its inward and outward beauty. I want to see what beauty God will produce if we “cultivate exceptional kindness among women, and give it value in our lives.”

I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my SISTERS, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I’ll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.  1 Corinthians 1:10


Tammy Brown