Our Calendar
SC Women exists as a conduit to help the Women of Sandals Church grow spiritually wise, relationally kind and emotionally healthy, while connected in community and serving on a team. Whether you attend Sandals Church, are a guest or simply want to learn more about SC Women, EVERY woman is Welcome!
Cultivate Community.
Community gives us a place to tell our stories and share our lives; a place to be seen and known. It’s through community that we encourage one another to keep our eyes on Jesus. Learn more about growing spiritually wise in our community of kindness.
Weekly Cultivate
Cultivate Reflection Guide
Use our weekly Reflection Guide to discuss the weekend message in community, as well as for personal bible study as you cultivate God's word into your life. Click here to learn more and review past Reflection Guides.
Interested in serving Sandals Church Women? Join Our Team!