Cultivate Book Blub

Why Cultivate Book Club?

A year ago I started the Cultivate book club because, quite frankly, I wanted to go through a book with other women. You were hoping for something more poignant right? Nope, I love reading books that give me soul care and spiritual direction. I love sharing and working through what God is teaching me as I read with others. I want to be able to share those parts that stood out to me, convicted me, inspired me and challenged me. I want to have others encourage me in the process and I’m willing to do the same for others.  

So there you have it, the Cultivate Book Club was formed. What started as 40ish women in our first session has grown to 140, and this is just because that is how much space we have available. I wanted to carve out space and time for women to unplug from the in’s and out’s of their day and plug into God. And this is just what we’ve done.

The Cultivate Book Club is a space carved out for women to come together to connect, to worship, to receive soul care, to discuss what they are learning, to pray for one another and to have a safe environment of exceptional kindness to be real with themselves, God and others. Make no mistake about it, this is a Bible study! In everything we read we look to God’s word and what it says for our spiritual direction.

I realize that women have very full lives and not everyone is able to come to Cultivate Book Club in the mornings. This does not mean you can’t be a part of what we’re doing and how we are growing together as the women of Sandals Church. If you are unable to attend on Thursday mornings you can:

  1. Join a ROGO group of women and go through the book in the evenings or on weekends  
  2. Grab a friend, group of friends, neighbors, coworkers, anyone and go through the book together when you are available
  3. Read the book on your own and follow along on the blog for recaps, journal questions and next steps for spiritual direction  

Bottom line… There is a way for YOU to Cultivate with us!

1 Corinthians 1:10 says, “ I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I’ll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.”  

Cultivate Book Club is one way we… ‘cultivate a life in common’,  by meeting together, praying for one another, worshipping, and studying God’s word for soul care and spiritual direction.

Join us at


Tammy Brown

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  • Reply Bekie Nerio March 29, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    I was invited to Cultivate Book Club last year by my close family friend, Nicole Jahnke. It was the BEST decision I ever made by attending and being a part of such a strong group of women with Jesus at the forefront. It was also my first time at Sandals and I completely fell in love with the church and started to attend every weekend, bringing my husband along. My daughter joins us often and I am VERY excited to say that this past weekend, Easter weekend; My daughter, husband , and I were all baptized here at Sandals church after Saturday evening’s Easter service and Pastor Matt’s great message. Although I had been baptized as an infant, in a Catholic church, and I also baptized both my children as infants in a Catholic church more for the sake of pleasing my Catholic parents. My husband and I have raised our children in Christian churches and I accepted the Lord as my personal Savior when I was in high school and then after meeting my husband who was always raised in Christian beliefs, I re-dedicated myself to the Lord. Now as an adult, my daughter is a strong Christian women who like myself felt it in our hearts that we both alike were ready to make a public declaration for our faith in Jesus. My husband being baptized on Saturday was a complete surprise. He hadn’t shared with us his thinking about it but during Pastor Matt’s message, I noticed my hubby seemed very perplexed and like he was talking to someone in his head, he was talking to JESUS I believe! After service, he asked me if only those that signed up via email were allowed to get baptized tonight and I said of course NOT! Anyone! With that, he just took off into the chapel as I watched to see what he was up to. See if you know my man, he does not like attention on himself whatsoever. He got changed, went outside, got inline after writing a little info. on the card that we were given, and he was baptized. He had never been baptized before. We have had our share of churches that we have tried and attended but up until now, we never had a “Home church” I am excited about this new journey in my family’s lives and I can not wait to be REAL at Sandals and get to know more Sandal families. Just wanted to share how Cultivate Book Club alone, inspired me and my heart to move more towards our Father and to towards others with the same belief. I can’t wait for this next book club!

  • Reply Audrey Gibbs November 20, 2016 at 1:06 am

    I was at last night’s Cultivate Womens at HP. .What is the name and author of the next Book ..? This author will be present in March 2017…for anther Womens Cultivate?

    • Reply Tammy Brown December 1, 2016 at 9:53 pm

      Lisa Bevere… the book is called without rival.

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