Cultivate Reflection Guide

She Her | How to Hear the Voice of God
Pastor Matt Brown | May 20-21, 2023


AN IMPORTANT UPDATE: Beginning Friday, May 26, we’ll be pressing pause on the Cultivate Weekly Reflection Guide. We encourage you to utilize the tools and resources available in the Sandals Church app. These include the personal reflection guide and discussion questions linked to the weekly sermon notes, as well as sermon companion bible reading plans in the “library” tab. Download the app today!

You’re welcome to access our reflection guide archive library for both recent and past sermon series content. 

A Spiritual Inventory

Read: Hebrews 4:12 NLT

Dig Deeper Opportunity: Jeremiah 17:10 NLT, Psalm 139:23-24 NLT,

Reflect & Respond: We hear the voice of God through the truth of His word and the wisdom of His people. Take inventory of the way you steward God’s voice in your life.

    • Are you tethered to God through His word? What evidence of this is there in your life? This might be practical evidence [the ways you seek God], spiritual evidence [the ways you hear God] or even relational evidence [the ways others seek you out for God’s wisdom].
    • Who are the people in your life who possess godly character and provide you wisdom from God’s word? How does their influence impact your spiritual growth? These might be people you have a personal relationship with or people in your proximity whom God uses to speak truth into your life.
    • Are there any relationships in your life that distract you from God’s word or God’s people, or even share advice that contradicts God’s word and people? While friends can be well-intentioned and even helpful, as followers of Jesus, it’s our responsibility to seek, follow and obey Him first. What would it look like for you to re-prioritize those other influences so that you are seeking God first?

We All Wander

Read: 2 Kings 11:15-17 NLT and Deuteronomy 4:24 NLT

Dig Deeper Opportunity: Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT, Psalm 103:2 NLT, Psalm 119:10-11 NLT, James 4:8 NLT

Reflect: We all have moments or even seasons in which we feel far from God. But the truth is, He doesn’t move or change. Think about a time in your life when you felt far from God. How did you search for and find Him?

Respond: Valley moments are real, but so are the mountain tops. Think about a time when you clearly heard God’s voice, whether it was in comfort or in challenge. How does that remind you that He is with you even when you may not feel His presence.

Be REAL: If you are having difficulty hearing the voice of God, ask Him to search your heart and be REAL with you about any obstacles [sin, habits, choices, attitudes, ideas] that may be standing between you and Him. Listen, then confess, repent [a.k.a. stop and change direction] and draw near to God as He draws near to you.

Cultivate Prayer:  Jesus, I confess that my heart is prone to wander. Help me to remember that I need to be tethered to you through your word and your people. Cleanse me of any sin keeping me from you. Give me a willing spirit eager to listen to the godly and wise people that you have placed in my life. Give me a teachable heart ready to receive the words you have for me and quick to respond to your direction. Amen.