Cultivate Truth

Jesus… what do YOU say?


Hey friends!

One of the 2016 highlights for Cultivate was our Fall Marketplace & Gathering. Over 1600 women came together not only to shop with a cause (each of the 35 vendors donated 10% of their proceeds to an organization that directly impacts women in a positive way), but to fellowship and worship together too! Not to mention the generosity that was cultivated through our offering~ which enabled us to provide financial support to the Dressember campaign to fight human sex trafficking, as well as help support relief efforts in Aleppo.  It was truly an incredible night.

I shared a message that night called, “Jesus… What do YOU say?”  This message tells the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery who was brought before Jesus. It is one of my favorite stories about Jesus because it reveals to us so powerfully what the heart of God really is towards all of us…regardless of who we are, what we’ve done, what labels we carry around, or what has been done to us. It affirms to us that we can know without a doubt that we are deeply loved by the God who made us.

As we move into this new year there are so many hopes, dreams, and goals that fill our hearts and minds. We will be easily swayed and discouraged if we are not convinced of who we are to God, and how He feels about us.  This is why it’s absolutely necessary that we continually ask, “Jesus… what do YOU say?

This year we want you to continually/intentionally cultivate the truth that Jesus loves YOU!  Be encouraged. Be reminded. Be reassured. You are loved- deeply, completely, and wholly. He will never change His mind about you.

Much love,



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